The Best Steel Buildings for Sale in Orem, Utah

The Best Steel Buildings for Sale in Orem, Utah

Need a Steel Buildings for Sale in Orem? AMF Steel Buildings sell metal building kits, custom steel buildings, and we offer complete installation & design services. 

  • Steel Buildings for Sale
  • Metal Buildings for Sale
  • Prefab Steel Buildings
  • Pre-engineered Steel Buildings
  • Commercial Steel Buildings for Sale
  • Residential Steel Buildings
  • Custom Steel Buildings
  • Steel Storage Buildings for Sale
  • Used Steel Buildings for Sale
  • Affordable Steel Buildings
  • Steel Building Kits for Sale
  • Steel Workshop Buildings
  • Steel Barns for Sale
  • Industrial Steel Buildings
  • Small Steel Buildings for Sale
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  • Steel Garages for Sale
  • Steel Warehouses for Sale
  • Steel Building Contractors Near Me
The Best Steel Buildings for Sale in Orem, Utah

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Steel Building In Orem

We specialize in engineered Prefab Steel Building kits and Turnkey Metal Building Construction solutions in Orem.

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Give us more information like size, windows, doors, if you need installation or just a kit etc.

Buy Steel Building In Orem

The Best Steel Buildings for Sale in Orem, Utah

Workshops & Garages Orem

Workshops, garages, and hobby buildings can be designed in a variety of shapes and sizes. We listen to your needs and help you plan the perfect metal garage solution.

The Best Steel Buildings for Sale in Orem, Utah

Indoor Riding Arenas Orem

Ride your horses all year long in a brand new steel indoor riding arena. Our most common equestrian arena sizes include 80x150x16 and 80x250x16. Train, ride, and show, year round.

The Best Steel Buildings for Sale in Orem, Utah

RV Storage Buildings Orem

Protect your recreation vehicle, boat, ATV, UTV or other toy with a custom rv or boat storage building. We can include large roll up doors for even the biggest coach or 5th wheel.

The Best Steel Buildings for Sale in Orem, Utah

Metal Pole Barns Orem

Move over wood and post frame buildings, metal pole barns are the new trend! We supply a wide variety of metal pole barn solutions for ranch, home, or work. Engineered to last!

The Best Steel Buildings for Sale in Orem, Utah

Fire, School, & Government Buildings Orem

We are proud to serve the men and women who put their lives on the line, teach, or preach across the nation. From schools, churches, and fire stations, we help you save money

The Best Steel Buildings for Sale in Orem, Utah

Metal Building Homes Orem

Tiny houses are so 2016, it’s time for the large and spacious steel building home era. Create the perfect barndominum, combo house, or custom cabin at an affordable price.

We Help You Build Memories

Steel Buildings for Sale in Orem

For over 30 years, AMF Steel Buildings has been providing North America with amazing steel framed structures. We take pride in engineering every building to handle your specific building needs and requirements. We believe that a key factor in our long term success is our ability to look at the big picture. You see, we truly feel that we help you "build memories" through our steel buildings. From working on that classic car with your child in a metal garage or learning to ride a horse in an indoor riding arena to sheltering your employees from the elements or protecting your loved ones in a metal building home, you have a story, and we want to cover it! You can call us today at 1-800-204-7199

The Best Steel Buildings for Sale in Orem, Utah

National Steel Building Contractors

We not only ship quality metal building kits to the DIY building professionals and weekend warriors around North America, but we also provide professional steel building contractor and turnkey construction services. When you request a steel building price quote, simply ask for installation services to be included in your cost estimate.

Residential Buildings

We provide a variety of residential steel building styles. These include garages, workshops, hangars, RV and boat storage, and even metal building homes.

Farm and Ranch Buildings

We help you keep your livestock and equipment protected from the weather. Horse barns, indoor riding arenas, barndominums, equipment storage, and agricultural buildings.

Commercial Buildings

We can supply your business with the structure it needs. Office buildings, warehouses, manufacturing, oil industry, mini storages, churches, and more.

The Best Steel Building Company?

Why Choose Us

We know that you have many steel building companies to choose from. We are simple: We listen to your needs,
quote you an honest and fair price, and make sure your steel structure arrives quickly.

We don't play games or mess with high pressure sales tactics. We don't advertise low or cheap prices on buildings that won't pass building codes anywhere. And we don't participate in deposit scams.

We are a family owned, honest company that cares about every customer. We may not be the cheapest or the most expensive, but we will treat you with integrity!

Our Brochure

Learn about our company, the materials we use, and view some past steel building projects

Project Pictures

Get inspired by looking at some of our previous steel building projects from around the USA.

Service Areas

We serve the entire North America region with shipping to contractor services.

Common Questions

Yes. Our professional steel building contractors are available to help manage and erect your entire steel building.

One of the most popular steel building questions we get is “How much does a steel building cost?” A steel building cost is primarily based on size, engineering, and options.

Let’s break down the price a little. If we look at the size of your steel building, for an example if it is 30x50x10, so we have a 30 foot wide, 50 foot long, and 10 foot high building. 

This size of a building is going to be cheaper than a 30x80x10 of course. Where a steel building price gets a large difference in price is the length. It takes a lot more metal and engineering for say a 100′ foot wide building compared to an 80′ foot wide building. A clear span building width takes a lot more engineering and so the steel building price will vary on this.

 This leads us into the engineering portion of steel building costs. You may find a cheap steel building price or a low price and wonder why is it so low? Well sometimes you may see that a steel building cost seems too good to be true, well it might be. For an example, a steel building may be engineered for say a 10lb snow load where you need a 40lb snow load. This is the most common reason for low prices. An advertised building price may not be engineered for your area. So as you search for steel building prices, make sure you ask about snow loads, wind speeds, and building codes.

Lastly, we need to factor in options. Do you need a steel building contractor? Do you need a turnkey project? What about a concrete floor, windows, doors and metal building insulation? Every option add additional cost to your steel building prices.Do we 

Yes. We sell not only prefab steel buildings, but we also sell engineered metal building kits.

Yes. No matter if you need a spacious metal building home or a steel building cabin, we can provide you with a custom steel building home kit or offer construction solutions.

A residential steel building is a steel building type or design that would be erected at a residential location. We typically see these types of steel framed structures as metal garages, pole barns, rv storage, and other home related steel construction.

A prefab steel building or prefabricated steel building is a steel building that is engineered and then prefabricated to be able to be erected and assembled with ease. So the steel building company orders from a steel building manufacturer, then the steel building designer takes the engineering for the location of the final product such as the snow load requirements, wind speed requirements, and various other building code needs, then prefab a steel building that will then be shipped by the steel building company or metal building distributor to the customers job site or home.

Request A Steel Building Quote Today
(We Specialize in Buildings 24x36 and up)​


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The Best Steel Buildings for Sale in Orem, Utah

AMF Steel Buildings specializes in engineered prefab steel buildings and metal building kits. Contractors and turnkey construction services available.


1507 Gold Hill Street Castle Rock, Colorado 80109

(800) 204-7199

(303) 801-8620

Mon – Fri: 8:00 AM – 6:00 PM | Sat 9:00 AM – 1:00 PM